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I daughter is allergic to milk. Thanks to neocate formula my daughter has some to drink. I would have given it 5 ⭐️ but this formula is super expensive and I wish the can a little bit full. It almost half a can.



Thank you for sharing your feedback. We are glad to hear that Neocate is helpful for your daughter.

This product has helped my infant so much! She is severely allergic to milk protein and possibly other food. This formula goes down well and she likes it. My only complaint is it's hard to find. You have to order online which is hard when shipping is late. I wish they sold it in stores and had coupons. I highly recommend this formula.



Hi there, thank you for your review - We are so happy to hear that Neocate has been helpful for your baby! Neocate Infant DHA/ARA is available in many Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS locations. You can find it in a store near you here:

Purchased this with my 2year old daughter and. Ow for my 2 month old. Product works great for severe cows milk allergy protein. No diarrhea or blood in stool. Helped reflux when mixed with gel mix. Can be a bit thin but that is totally normal with amino acid formulas. I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review


Used neocate with our first child. Was the only formula that we found to work for her. But did have constipation issues. Our next child is on Neocate Syneo, without any constipation issues yet. Maybe can attribute this to the formula, but each kid is different. I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review


Both of my sons use this formula for a milk protein intolerance and it works so well for them! They went from fussy, irritable babies to happy, smiling boys who actually started sleeping better because their tummies weren’t unhappy anymore! I cannot speak highly enough of the Neocate formulas. I am so thankful for having this formula so both my boys can be provided with great nutrition for their sensitive tummies. Thank you! “I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review"


Neocate has helped my son tremendously after being diagnosed with a severe form of MSPI. We owe it to this formula for giving us our happy baby back! "I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review"


I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review"


This was the first HA formula that my daughter would actually drink. It mixes easily and she tolerates it well! I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review.


This formula was life changing. My daughter was suffering and nothing was helping her vomiting. Total transformation after switching to this formula due to an allergy to cows milk "I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review"


I absolutely love this formula. My baby has a soy and dairy intolerance and we were struggling trying to find the right formula. She also has terrible colic and reflux. This formula saved us. She tolerated it so well. She no longer has upset stomach, gas pain, or reflux. We are so grateful! "I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review"


Amazing stuff. My children are so lucky to have had this around and have benefited from it! Keep producing such great products! "I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review"


We found out our youngest has a dairy allergery and we were recommended this brand of formula by his GI specialist and it has changed our lives! After months of trying new formulas, doctors appointment after doctors appointment we have seen a big improvement in our baby. After he turned 1 year we are now trying the junior option and we also love it. It gives our baby options for different flavors that he hasn’t really been exposed to since his dairy allergery. 10/10 would reccomend.


Excellent! We have raised 8 babies on Neocate, including a set of triplets born at 33 weeks. All of our babies thrived and gained weight appropriately. Our life before Neocate was full of rashes, colic, bloody stools and sleepless nights. Within 24 hrs we noticed a major difference in our babies. We now take it to the hospital with us to start them immediately on it! We are so glad to have found Neocate it really is a life changing formula.


This formula has been a blessing for my twins. They have allergies to soy and dairy so this has been our only option. Thankfully it works great and they love it! Expensive but worth it with happy baby tummies!! “ I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review"


After switching from one hypo-formula to another, we finally found relief for our 3-month-old with Neocate! Ordering through the website was the easiest and most convenient way we found to order. Shipping was super quick and was a big relief to have extras in hand and not hope it was in stock at the local drugstore. I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review.


Would recommend! I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review.


My two month old suffers from reflux and CMPA. He has been on several different formulas including nutramigen, but continued to have issues. After about a week on Neocate it seems things are getting better! I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review.


Being prescribed to this product was a game changer for both of my sons. Prior to discovering their dairy allergies feedings were the most difficult part of our day. It was devastating seeing our babies in pain. Since switching to Neocate our boys LOVE mealtime and are thriving. I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review


We love this formula. My daughter has a milk protein allergy and non of the other hypoallergenic formulas worked for us except this one!!


Neocate infant resolved my babies GI issues, rash, and fussiness. We are on month 6 and not planning to make any changes. He also thinks it tastes perfectly fine, never had difficulty with feeding it. I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review.


All our kids have an allergy to cows milk. Neocate was the only formula that helped with their symptoms. I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review


Neocate saved us! My little one has CMPA and after resting every other formula, and him starting to reject eating, he finally started to thrive on Neocate. So thankful for this formula!


"I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review" My baby had awful stomach pains, gas, and fussiness prior to starting Neocate. We couldn’t be happier with this formula.


Very good product but hard to find and expensive! I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review


Since I found out that my daughter has an allergy to cows milk, we’ve been using Neocate. We’ve tried other hypoallergenic formulas but only Neocate worked for her. We are so happy we found Neocate. I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review.


It’s an amazing formula. Was a life saver for my baby.


This formula has changed my daughter’s life! Before Neocate all she did was cry out in pain. Now she is a thriving sweet and happy 5 month old.


Neocate has been a lifesaver for two of my babies with cows milk protein allergy. This formula is definitely on the thinner side and took my baby about a week to accept bottles well. Noticed an increase in reflux after starting but is starting to get better. Overall very thankful for Neocate! I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review.


For both of my babies we transitioned to Neocate DHA and it was a blessing. One baby had CMPA and the other one silent reflux and once they started taking this formula there was an immediate change, our family cannot be more thankful for this formula *I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review"


Neocate Infant DHA/ARA helped my babies with allergies thrive. Their rash disappeared and within a few weeks of being on Neocate they were much more comfortable and no longer in distress. They are healthy, growing, and happy! We are big fans of Neocate! I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review.


Neocate Infant DHA/ARA has done wonders for both of my babies born with allergies to dairy. With Neocate, their discomfort totally stopped- and no more rash, either! They both are on track with their growth and thriving. I would recommend Neocate for any families struggling with infant allergies to cow’s milk protein.


This product helped my son so much when he was having blood in his stool. He was less fussy and overall I could tell he was more comfortable once on this product!


It worked well for a severe milk allergy in the family. It did not contain any casein and we did not have to worry about our family’s health when we used it. Our baby happily drinks it. I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review


Shipping from the website was super fast, I got it in two days. My premie was 3 months early with a dairy allergy and neocate has worked wonders for us! Relatives who help watch her have said how amazing it is that this formula does not ever clump! "I am receiving a coupon in exchange for writing a review"


Neocate has been the only formula to help with all 3 of my children’s milk protein allergy. We tried five different formulas with my daughter before trying Neocate. Thankfully when my 3 month old twins began to show similar symptoms, we knew we could skip right to Neocate for our babies. All three are pain free and thriving!


My almost 6 month old twins have suffered pretty severe reflux multiple times daily for 2-3 months before we were switched to this formula. This has been an absolute game changer for their gut issues and reflux. We are no longer dealing with the projectile vomiting that we were before. I didn't think we were going to see an end to that but this formula really made the difference. I cannot recommend it enough for those who deal with similar issues for their little ones.


Our son has a cow milk allergy, this formula is working wonders!


Expiration date is near


My son was allergic to regular baby milk. He broke out and was in pain(gas). a few days of switching his face cleared up in a week and a half he was a new baby nomore has pains .


Neocate helped with my daughter acid reflux. I would reccomend it to any mom with a baby that has colic or acid reflux.


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