Your Search for: difference-between-pepticate-and-neocate

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...When choosing a formula after a food allergy diagnosis, how can you tell the difference between various formula types? When your little one has a cow milk allergy, the doctor will walk you through management options. The first should be for mom to eliminate dairy and for baby to keep breastfeeding. However, sometimes a formula is necessary to supplement or replace breast milk. Nutrition questions and navigating feeding options can overwhelm even the most...
...You may have heard about Pepticate™ and Neocate ® infant formulas and wondered what’s the difference between them. We’re here to answer this question! Please note that when we refer to “Neocate infant formulas” in this blog post, this includes both Neocate® Syneo® Infant and Neocate® Infant DHA/ARA. How are Pepticate and Neocate similar? First, let’s discuss how Pepticate and Neocate infant formulas are similar. Both are types of nutritionally complete, hypoallergenic infant formulas...
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Cow Milk Allergy Diet and Management
There is currently no cure for a cow milk protein allergy (CMPA). As with any food allergy, the surest way to manage CMPA is to avoid cow milk and any foods that contain dairy proteins. For infants, the first choice is to continue feeding breast milk, and if the doctor advises mom will avoid milk and dairy in her diet, under medical supervision. (She may need to supplement her diet with some nutrients...

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