Your Search for: dysphagia

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...We’ve talked about Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) before, and today we wanted to talk about dysphagia and aspiration, two things that can be associated with GERD. GERD Dysphagia refers to the inability of food and/or liquids to pass easily from the mouth, into the throat, through the esophagus and into to the stomach during the process of swallowing.[1] In more simple terms, it means “difficulty swallowing.” Many medical conditions can cause dysphagia but in...
...We’ve talked about Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) before, and today we wanted to talk about dysphagia and aspiration, two things that can be associated with GERD. Dysphagia refers to the inability of food and/or liquids to pass easily from the mouth, into the throat, through the esophagus and into to the stomach during the process of swallowing.[1] In more simple terms, it means “difficulty swallowing.” Many medical conditions can cause dysphagia but in children,...
...To follow up on Mallory’s post on Dysphagia, GERD, and Silent Aspiration in children, in this post we discuss the use of thickeners. We’ll also share some thickener options and questions you should ask the healthcare team. Your child’s healthcare team may recommend a thickener to help manage: reflux (“GER”), also called spitting up in infants dysphagia (trouble or difficulty swallowing), and/or aspiration (when fluid or food getting into the lungs) If your little...
...Neocate will not be harmed by the addition of a thickener, but they can be diluted by a thickener. As long as the doctor or dietitian recommends it, there is no problem with thickening Neocate. Keep in mind that thickening formula may make it difficult for the baby to drink it, so you may have to adjust the nipple size accordingly. 2) Swallowing Problems; Dysphagia: Swallowing problems, also known as “dysphagia”, is another reason for...
Teaching your child about social distancing
Social distancing is a new concept for all of us – and as hard as it is for adults to adopt, getting children to understand and cooperate with our new normal is super challenging. Here are some tips to help your little ones put social distancing into practice. “Six feet apart” may not mean much to children and could be hard for them to understand why it’s important to follow. Here are some...

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