Your Search for: eosinophilic esophagitis

94 Result(s)

​Beef & Vegetable Dinner
This Neocate® Junior recipe is allergy-friendly and you can make it in under 30 minutes for lunch or dinner. Try it...
...they ultimately returned. Since his symptoms kept reoccurring, Sean’s pediatrician referred his parents to a gastroenterologist, who tested for allergies, cystic fibrosis and eosinophilic esophagitis. Sean tested negative, increasing his parents concerns. With little options left, Sean’s doctors recommended a surgery, nissen fundoplication, which treats gastroesophageal reflux by stitching the upper part of the stomach around the lower end of the esophagus, reinforcing the closing function. In an attempt to exhaust all other options, especially...
​​Turkey & Guacamole “Not-so-Quesa-dillas” ​
This easy, allergy-friendly recipe incorporates Neocate® Junior, and you can make it in under 30 minutes. Try it...
...both confirmed the diagnosis of milk and soy allergies, allergy-related eosinophilic esophagitis and allergy-related gastroesophageal reflux. Riley’s pediatrician recommended Neocate Infant, a hypoallergenic, amino acid-based formula. Because Neocate is made up of individual amino acids (the building blocks of protein), it was easier for Riley to digest than the hydrolysate formulas he originally tried which contain protein chains that have only been partially broken down. Within 36 hours of starting on Neocate, Riley’s diarrhea stopped,...
​Very Veggie Cakes
Looking to add some variety to your child’s meals? Make these delicious veggie cakes using Neocate® Junior with Prebiotics, Unflavored. This recipe is great for your little one with food allergies and can be a tasty treat for the entire family to enjoy. This versatile recipe can be a game day snack or a side dish to a larger meal. This recipe can also be prepared using Neocate Splash,...
​Fruity Tutti Pancakes
Doesn’t this name just makes you want to try some? This is a great recipe if you are looking for a nice, hot breakfast option. Perfect if the rest of your family is eating pancakes and you are looking to make an allergy-friendly option. Pancakes also make a good finger-food option for weaning...
Brownie Bites
Who doesn’t like brownies? Our Neocate® Junior Brownie Bites, made with our Neocate® Junior Chocolate, are one of our favorite indulgences, and allow those with cow milk allergy to enjoy this delicious sweet without milk or any of the 8 major allergens. Please check all ingredients to ensure suitability for your little one. Also, be sure to consult your doctor or dietitian with any questions or for advice before you bake with...
​Cinnamon Chocolate Swirl Smoothie
Looking for something chocolaty, then this Cinnamon Chocolate Swirl Smoothie will really hit the spot. Perfect for when you want something refreshing and also a chocolate treat to perhaps satisfy your late summer evening chocolate cravings. This is a great one to keep handy when you want to take your smoothie with you on the go since you can add the Neocate® Junior, Chocolate powder directly to the mixture. After a quick shake...

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