Your Search for: fiber

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Importance of fiber in childhood when it comes to food allergies
...What’s the Importance of Fiber? When you hear the term “essential nutrients,” what comes to mind? Maybe it’s vitamins and minerals, like vitamin D and calcium. Maybe you think of key nutrients like good fats, such as omega-3s, or complete proteins our bodies use to build muscles. But did you consider the importance of fiber? That’s right, fiber is a key nutrient! Let’s review what fiber is, how it’s helpful for health, and how...
...We’ve written a few blogs in the past relating to fiber and prebiotics. One of them discussed what fiber is, and why it’s good for us and another touched on prebiotic fiber. In a previous blog that I wrote, I mentioned that I decided to supplement my all-Neocate diet with fiber. If you feel your child might benefit from a fiber supplement, we have some tips to help you choose the right one! Know...
...There has been a lot of buzz lately about the benefits of dietary fiber and the need to eat more. So, what is dietary fiber anyways? Dietary fiber is a complex carbohydrate that is not completely digested in your body. Unlike other food components such as fats, proteins or other carbohydrates that get completely broken down and absorbed in your body, dietary fiber passes relatively intact through your stomach, small intestine, colon and...
...You may have heard that we recently launched a new product: Neocate Junior with Prebiotics. You may wondering, “what exactly are prebiotics?” so I wanted to take the opportunity to explain in this blog post, which I’ll call “Prebiotics 101”. Understanding Fiber: Prebiotics are a special form of fiber but before we get into the details, let’s start with an overview of fiber in general. Dietary fiber is a carbohydrate that our bodies...
...carbohydrate, fiber, fat, and vitamins and minerals. Let’s take a deeper dive into each category of Neocate ingredients below and answer some of your most asked questions. What protein is used in Neocate? Neocate formula is classified as an amino acid-based formula. This means Neocate uses only amino acids as the source of protein. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and they are a non-allergenic option to replace whole protein and peptides that...
...Prebiotics and probiotics are confusing to people. How do I know if I have a prebiotic or a probiotic? What does each one have to offer? We’ll have two posts that will help to define prebiotics and probiotics, explain what they are, and how they can work together. This first post covers prebiotics, with an “E”. So, what are these? Also referred to as “prebiotic fiber,” these are non-digestible carbohydrates that act as a...
...To go on a nothing-but-Neocate diet for two days. What, exactly, would be allowed? Neocate: specifically any of the Neocate products and a few allergen-free artificial flavors. I decided I could still have plain tea (lack of caffeine could be a real problem for me!). I also decided that, given my usual fiber intake from foods, I would also supplement my all-Neocate diet with prebiotic fiber. Some folks might say that adding fiber is cheating....
...once). In that case, Neocate Junior or Neocate Syneo Junior products can be concentrated, by adding less water based on the healthcare team’s guidance. In some cases, families find that both products fit into their lifestyle! Neocate Junior and Neocate Syneo Junior products work well in the home, and Neocate Splash products are helpful on the go. Fiber, Fiber, Who Wants Fiber? Fiber is an important part of a typical diet. However, many children who...

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