Your Search for: preschool

14 Result(s)

Going to Preschool or Daycare with Food Allergies
...The first day of preschool or daycare is an exciting time for young children. It’s usually also an exciting time for parents, too! Sometimes, introducing little ones with food allergies and related conditions into a new environment can be scary. PREPARE FOR PRESCHOOL OR DAYCARE WITH FOOD ALLERGIES. If this situation is one you will face soon, then it’s crucial to educate your child’s teachers and caregivers about food allergy precautions and safety...
...If you have toddlers, you know that January through March is preschool sign-up season. Starting preschool is a big step for all parents and children. If you have a child with food allergies, this may be the first time your child has spent extended periods of time outside of your care. So, it is extra important to find a preschool or childcare facility that is willing to accommodate your child’s allergies, and to make...
...The American Academy of Pediatrics recently published a study titled “Allergic Reactions to Foods in Preschool-Aged Children in a Prospective Obse r vational Food Allergy Study”. Since this is a topic near and dear to most of your hearts, I wanted to summarize their findings in today’s post. The authors studied 512 infants and preschool-aged children with likely egg or milk allergies to learn more about the frequency and circumstances of food related allergic...
Solid Foods and Picky Eating?
...the Journal of the American Dietetic Association for your consideration. Solid food and picky eating. A Study and its findings The title of the article is “Associations of Infant Feeding Practices and Picky Eating Behaviors of Preschool Children.” We can simplify it to “how feeding infants might add to picky eating later on.” The authors looked at how feeding patterns in infancy, when eating patterns start to develop, affect eating behavior later in life. We...
For parents of children with severe food allergies, sending them off to school can be a scary thing. Not only is there a risk that they will accidentally be exposed to an allergen, but bullying is on the rise. The best way to guard against this is to educate your child’s school about food allergies, from the students to their principal and everyone in between. To get you started, we’ve put together...
...baking for a food allergic child. Also, don’t use common sense (or common assumptions) to determine if a food is safe. Jelly beans can contain peanut flour. Taffy, chewy candies and lollipops can contain milk or egg. Cherries can contain almonds! This is not the time for you to let your guard down. Attend the party. You will be amazed at what you will find. My son attended a “peanut-free” preschool and received a full-sized...
Back to School With Food Allergies
...Does your child know how to deal with bullying when it comes to food allergies? School years are some of the most fun and memorable experiences; following some of these tips can help ensure your child’s first day back is no exception! BONUS: If your child is going to school (or preschool) for the 1st time, make sure to read over 11 Tips for the First Day of School with Food Allergies we shared previously....
Allergy-Friendly School Lunch Ideas Allergy-Friendly School Lunches are Vital for us all, and rushing in the morning can be stressful and potentially can put you into a lunch idea rut. Here are some inspirational ideas that you might find useful to reduce stress in the morning. We asked our parents and patients for allergy-friendly lunch recipes We started this round-up of ideas for allergy-friendly school lunch recipes, by first asking our Facebook and...

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