Your Search for: vomiting

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12/17/2011 projectile vomit. We took him to the ER of our children’s hospital. By the time they got to us, he had stopped vomiting and was just a happy baby. They patted us on our heads and told us it was just a milk allergy and sent us on our way. …A few weeks later, Ben started vomiting 1 1/2 hours after [feeding], and I was told (by the pediatrician’s nurse) he just had the...
FPIES Symptoms & Signs
Most of the time we think of food allergies as causing reactions right away. However, FPIES related allergic reactions to food usually begin 1-4 hours after the trigger food has been eaten. FPIES symptoms are not what you’d typically associate with a food allergy (hives or other rashes, itchy or swollen mouth, trouble breathing, anaphylaxis). Rather, they are related to the digestive...
8 Common Signs and Symptoms of a Cow Milk Allergy
...lasts a while, it can signal a food allergy. Digestive: Frequent Vomiting, Reflux or Spitting Up Babies often spit up (or “regurgitate”), but anything beyond the occasional post-meal spit-up should be examined by a doctor. Many infants who spit up don’t seem bothered by it and maintain a healthy weight – we call them “happy spitters.” For other infants, spitting up may represent something more concerning like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or vomiting. It can...
...We often get calls from parents asking about their child’s “spitting up” habits. If your little one has had vomiting problems in the past due to food allergies, it may be hard to know when it’s a regular spit up or something more serious. Every baby spits up or vomits occasionally, and some do quite often or even with every feeding. If, despite the spitting, your baby is Content In no discomfort Growing appropriately...
...Patient History: Immediately following his birth, Blaise suffered from a severe skin rash that developed once his mother began feeding him regular formula. Unable to tolerate the formula, Blaise experienced persistent vomiting and diarrhea, accompanied with sleepless nights. Blaise’s symptoms caused him to consistently be fussy and lethargic despite his mother’s countless attempts to console him. “The longer we fed him the formula, the worse his rash, vomiting and diarrhea got,” says Danielle, Blaise’s...
...Patient History: The first eight months of Sean’s life were grueling. He experienced the discomfort and pain of vomiting up to three times a day, unable to tolerate his formula. Six months of very little weight gain left Sean feeling weak, while his gastroesophageal reflux condition fueled his asthma symptoms. At nine months old Sean was diagnosed with failure to thrive; a description given to children whose current weight or rate of weight gain... pumped breastmilk. Within just a few days, he began showing signs of dairy protein intolerance, including excess fussiness and gassiness just after eating, arching, vomiting, mucus in his stools and diarrhea. His mom eliminated dairy from her diet and that seemed to improve his condition some and he started gaining a little weight. After a couple weeks, Roland was weaned from the tube and sent home. Unfortunately, once at home, his symptoms continued to...
...Patient History: From the time he was only a few days old, Levi was a fussy baby. Soon he began crying even more, vomiting, gagging, choking and wheezing. He had difficulty sleeping and he could only rest if he was propped up on his mother Laurie. His skin changed color, becoming very red. He developed a rash all over his face and neck that left his skin extremely dry, especially around his ears. “Having...

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