Your Search for: allergy-safety

36 Result(s)

...still some of these around! The great thing about the Drive-ins is that you can bring your own snacks and seats, plus you can control how far you sit from other people and their snacks. Bring the Movie Theater Home: With features like On-Demand, you can get movies still in theaters right in your home. Invite some friends over and prepare some allergy-friendly snacks. Have you picked up any tips or precautions for taking a...
...By Kimberly Pellicore, The Food Allergy Mom Kimberly has celiac disease and is a proud mom to two children, one of whom has severe, multiple life-threatening food allergies and asthma. After years of being largely dissatisfied with the lack of credible online and local support systems, she established to offer parents and caregivers of children with celiac disease, food allergies, and asthma a POSITIVE support network. Follow her on Facebook , Twitter ,...
05/28/2015 safety. Share food allergy resources, as necessary. Early and frequent communication with school nutrition staff helps support their success and can create peace of mind for both of you. Introduce your child to the school nutrition manager and staff. Everyone in the kitchen should know what your child looks like, as well as what is his/her food allergy or other diet restricting medical condition. Speak directly with the kitchen manager at your child’s school...
...A Food Allergy Action Plan outlines the recommended actions to take if your child experiences an allergic reaction. It is important to create a Food Allergy Action Plan for your child and provide it to their school, camp, coaches, other parents, or anyone else who may need to assist your child in case of a food allergy-related emergency. If you are new to food allergies, you may be wondering where to start. We’ve compiled...
...AllerGator will catch anyone’s attention! This clothing line is sure to be a hit for younger children with food allergies Allergy Apparel – This line of food allergy awareness products may be the most popular with children. It is full of fashionable designs like skulls and peace signs while still alerting people about the child’s food allergies. SafetyTat – Write-on tattoos for communicating food allergies. They aren’t permanent! Each one has space to write in...
...Avoid Related Foods? Should you? A guide for food allergy management Learning that you or your loved one has an allergy to food sparks a long list of questions. One common question many families have is “If my child is allergic to one food, what else might they be allergic to?” Another common problem is, “Where should I start when either trying new foods or adding foods back to my diet?” If you have...
Back to School With Food Allergies
...Summer is winding down, and it’s time to start helping your children prepare for their return to class and food allergy. Your school might have sent school supply lists, teacher assignments, and schedule for school nights. Now, it’s time to create your own food allergy checklist. Whether your child is returning to the classroom or attending for the first time, here are some things to help make sure they have a successful, fun,...
...A few weeks ago, I wrote about Where To Start: Tips for New Food Allergy Parents when adjusting to life with food allergies. Soon after your child is diagnosed, you will realize how food is the focal point of every social occasion. So this week, I’ll share some tips for socializing as well as some ideas for a safer kitchen area. Setting Up a Safe Kitchen Your child’s age, the severity of his/her symptoms,...

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