Your Search for: best-infant-formula-for-reflux

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...a walk, bringing milk and bread and cleaning my house. People close to me knew something was wrong too. They were wonderful. I was lucky, truly lucky, to stumble across the right people. My local children’s health nurse supported me tirelessly and questioned “silent reflux”. Nick was given a series of reflux medications, as well as soy free, lactose free and hypoallergenic formulas. Elimination diet for me. In the end, I went to a new...
...Mylicon, and was put on four different formulas including Similar Soy, Good Start, Enfamil Soy and Nutramigen – but nothing worked. Frustrated and scared, Percida finally decided to speak with the head doctor to try and find out what was wrong with her son. The doctor diagnosed Ramsey with milk protein allergy and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and immediately switched him to Neocate Infant — a hypoallergenic formula made up of individual amino acids (the...
...a food allergy. It’s unusual for a baby with food allergy to only have a rash. Make a list of your baby’s symptoms which could also be caused by a food allergy to provide to the doctor. Many parents tell us that they went through multiple different infant formulas before finally finding relief with Neocate. Some infants don’t even tolerate breast milk because of dairy foods in the mom’s diet. Make notes of the different...

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