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...someone has recurring seizures. The following visual guide helps identify how to recognize common symptoms of a seizure and outlines first aid steps: How is Epilepsy Treated? Some epilepsy cases are treated with medication. However in about 30% of cases, patients do not respond to medication and may be recommended a surgery or try dietary therapy in the form of Ketogenic Diet. · Top Five Books for Parents Learning About the Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy...
01/18/2011” Many parents who eventually learn that their child has a food allergy, which can only be treated by changing the diet, wish their journey to a solution had been shorter and simpler. Here are some tips for what you can do if you feel your doctor isn’t recognizing your little one’s rash as a possible sign of a food allergy. Take Careful Notes A rash is often the first sign of a food allergy...
8 Common Signs and Symptoms of a Cow Milk Allergy
...lead to low or no weight gain. In infants, frequent reflux or vomiting can be related to CMA. Almost 50% of infants with reflux may be diagnosed with CMA. In those cases, taking cow milk out of the diet should help relieve reflux. Read more information on reflux and vomiting in infancy. (In one extreme allergic condition –Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis (FPIES)– violent vomiting a few hours after feeding is the hallmark sign.) Digestive: Persistent...
...weight, height, head size, or other developmental milestone. “Failure to Thrive” is an important diagnosis that needs to be addressed quickly by a healthcare professional. However, there is no reason to fear the worst. Small interventions or changes to the diet will help most children to get back on track with developmental milestones in short order. Perhaps after some medical attention, the healthcare team might also uncover something that’s affecting your child’s ability to grow...
...calorie diet of fruits, vegetables and plenty of protein. Check with your physician to see if you should be taking any supplements. Some women have difficulty getting essential vitamins like calcium, folic acid and zinc while breastfeeding. Remove all allergens from your diet. Usually a milk protein is the culprit, so you you’ll need to remove all dairy products but watch out for items with hidden dairy like salad dressing and nutrition bars. If you...
...Hi my name is Zachary and I am 13 years old. I was diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) at 13 months of age. I have had this disease my entire life. Besides EoE, I have food allergies. In the beginning I was on formula only (an elemental diet, which is only amino acid-based nutrition) because there weren’t any foods that were safe for me to eat. When I was 9 years old and in...
...more prone to consume inadequate calories. Some families choose to treat flare-ups and prolong remissions using nutritional management rather than steroids. An elemental diet or even a half elemental diet can help manage flare ups, prolong remissions and ensure proper nutrition & growth for children with CD. Neocate Splash and Neocate Junior may be useful for children with CD who are following dietary therapies. – Mallory Image Source: National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse...
...development of allergies. Breast-feeding the infants for a year; Restricting your diet while nursing to avoid some of the most common allergies (i.e. milk, eggs, peanuts) Waiting to introduce solid food until your baby is 6 months old; Introducing solid foods one at a time, beginning with those foods that are least likely to cause an allergy, like rice cereal; Avoiding processed foods with artificial colors and flavors; and Delaying the introduction of potentially allergic...

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