Your Search for: epinephrine

44 Result(s)

...bring a few staples in case the restaurant does not have everything you need. For some parents, delivering safe food in a thermos or a safe sandwich is an excellent alternative. It’s easy to bring a little dairy-free margarine and some vinegar and oil for salads, too! (Dressings often contain dairy, soy, wheat, nuts, and seeds). Lastly, make sure you have your epinephrine pen with you before leaving the house. Do you have any additional...
...reaction. Talk with your child and help them understand the dangers of taking just a small taste of the food he/she might be allergic to. If prescribed, always have Epinephrine on hand in case of a severe reaction to one of the food allergens. Advocate for a safe Halloween with food allergies The biggest movement to date to help raise awareness for food allergies and drive inclusion for all is Food Allergy Research & Education’s...
...(IV) fluids because of the risk and prevalence of dehydration. Children experiencing more severe symptoms may also need steroids and in-hospital monitoring. However, use of antihistamines and epinephrine are not helpful because FPIES works through a different mechanism than a “regular” IgE mediated allergy. Families may be able to manage mild reactions at home with oral electrolyte rehydration (e.g., Pedialyte®). Because it’s a serious condition, in the event of an emergency, the correct treatment is...
10/14/2008 talk with teachers/other parents about what needs to be done to ensure your child’s safety at any Halloween parties or school activities. – Remember, even a little bit of a food allergen can cause a reaction. Talk with your child so that he/she understands the dangers of taking just a small taste of a food he/she might be allergic to. – If prescribed, always have Epinephrine on hand in case your child has a...

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