Your Search for: footsteps

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...Footsteps app can be a huge help, as it organizes the information in a format that’s easy for the doctor to understand. Your child’s healthcare team will thank you! Are there things in our family history that could help make a diagnosis? When visiting the doctor, we have to fill out forms with questions about our family history for a reason. Children can inherit a risk of developing many medical conditions, including allergies, from parents....
The sun is out, the weather is warming up and it’s time to open your windows to the sun and beautiful spring. But if you or a family member suffers from seasonal allergens, then some serious spring cleaning is on the horizon for you. Whether you like this process or not, it’s necessary for allergy sufferers. While it is impossible to make your home completely allergen-free, below are 10 tips to clear most...
You may need to educate your insurer about severe food allergies, understand how to obtain coverage and why you may qualify to get reimbursement. Below are some tools that will help you. Remember, our Nutricia Navigator team is here to help you. Exempt Infant Formula: Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 107-Infant Formula Subpart C Exempt Infant Formulas [21 CFR 107.50(c)] (as of April 1, 2017) “(c) Infant formulas not generally available...
Parent & Patient Resources
In this resource center, you’ll find answers to your biggest questions, tools to help you make the most of the time with your doctor and dietitian, real-life stories from other parents, reliable information on conditions, downloadable guides for using Neocate products, and much...
Tools and resources to help educate your insurer about severe food allergies and why you may qualify to get reimbursement. Remember, our Nutricia Navigator team can help you navigate the reimbursement landscape. Claims for Reimbursement usually require use of Reimbursement and Healthcare Common Procedures Coding System (HCPCS) Codes: “Reimbursement billing codes” are terms you will often hear referenced. The codes are part of a system created by insurance companies to identify the nutritional...
Submit Your Story
We know that having a child with cow milk allergy (CMA) or multiple food allergies (MFA) or conditions like eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) or food protein-induced enterocolitis (FPIES) can be challenging. We hope that Neocate makes things a little bit easier and helps your child grow. We also hope that you will share your story with us and with others. This will help raise awareness about these conditions and show that diagnosis and relief...
Submit Your Recipe
Do you have a finger-licking good, surprisingly simple recipe that’s free of major allergens? We’d love to try them! Share your best Neocate recipes with us...
Are you hosting a birthday party for your food-allergic little one, or maybe you’re expecting food-allergic guests? No need to reinvent the wheel! In this blog, you’ll find links to several blogs we’ve previously created which include a number of allergen-free party activities and recipes/snacks! Recipes We like some of these recipes so much that we’d even serve them to non-allergic guests. Nobody would know the difference! Allergen-Free Snack Ideas Here’s a delicious...

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