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...going to have time to exercise when I’m already stressed out because I have too much on my plate?” This does NOT have to be an hour-long workout in the gym. Whether it’s a 10-minute walk or a quick yoga session, research has proven time after time that physical activity can improve alertness, decrease fatigue, and produce endorphins (just to name a few benefits). Check out this quick 6-minute video from the Mayo Clinic which...
Israel’s Multiple Food Allergies Journey to Diagnosis
...the doctor wasn’t concerned and felt we shouldn’t be either. But being his mother, I just couldn’t let it go. He could drink water and hold it down, but his formula he would spit up. I knew he could do better. After a few weeks of research I found out about Neocate. I had read so many testimonials about how Neocate and Prevacid stopped the food allergy reactions and reflux issues. Could it be true?...
...previous articles about this interesting allergic condition: Get a better understanding of FPIES through 6 Moms Sharing Their Stories Read Roland’s Story, and learn how Neocate helped him Read Mom Renee’s story about her family’s FPIES journey Listen to one of the allergists who’s helped conduct research on FPIES to break down the ins and outs of FPIES in this Fact vs. Fiction video: Watch this video to learn more about FPIES through the stories...
08/07/2014 and shopping. This blog post is intended to present some tried and true resources that I often share with families. I encourage you all, as readers and family members of children with food allergies, to share your own tried and true resources in the comments section. It’s important for us to share information and help each other stay informed. For all things allergy-related, the Food Allergy Research and Education organization (FARE) website is chock...
...few of my favorites are Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE), Kids With Food Allergies (KFA), Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), and Allergic Living Magazine. 6. Get Familiar With Your Child’s Prescriptions: Now that you’ve filled your child’s prescriptions, learn how to properly use them and make sure others who care for your child know how to use them as well. Some companies even offer instructional apps for your mobile devices. 7. Get...
08/12/2014 assess the risk of an allergic reaction. In fact, research conducted in 2007 found that many individuals with peanut allergy ignore these advisory statements.(1) The researchers tested 200 products with a peanut advisory statement and found that most (90%) did not contain detectable peanut protein. Of the 10% that did contain detectable levels, 65% had a “clinically significant” amount of peanut protein. This translates to ~7% of the 200 tested products (all carried a...
...Halloween-themed fun. This way your child can enjoy the holiday and you won’t have to worry about any accidental exposure to allergens. Other Halloween Allergy Tips Make sure your child knows not to eat any candy until they get home. If your child is younger, go trick-or-treating with them so you can monitor what goodies they get. If your child is okay with it, use an “allergy-free” bag for trick-or-treating. Research trick-or-treat locations in your...
...have you asked your healthcare team after diagnosis that you think would help other families? -Rob McCandlish, RDN Rob McCandlish is a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) who joined the Nutricia team in 2010. Rob has years of experience at Nutricia following food allergy research, working with Neocate products, talking with Neocate families and learning about the science behind Neocate and food allergies. Rob has two nephews who both used Neocate for their cow milk allergies!...

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