Your Search for: allergy-education

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...One of the things we’ve learned at Neocate is that many families usually go through a long and daunting process before discovering their fussy and inconsolable little one has a cow milk allergy (CMA). The road to an official diagnosis can stir feelings of confusion. To help educate more parents and caregivers on the symptoms of CMA, Nutricia North America is unrolling our new Could it Be A Milk Allergy infographic. Could it Be...
08/07/2014 and shopping. This blog post is intended to present some tried and true resources that I often share with families. I encourage you all, as readers and family members of children with food allergies, to share your own tried and true resources in the comments section. It’s important for us to share information and help each other stay informed. For all things allergy-related, the Food Allergy Research and Education organization (FARE) website is chock...
...Cow Milk Allergy (CMA) can be one of the most challenging food allergies to diagnosis in infants and children. Even after receiving an official diagnosis many parents still have questions, such as what is the process for treating the allergy and how it will change their little ones’ lives. Knowing the right questions to ask your pediatrician is important in developing a plan to treat CMA. Follow Jo, mother of Niahm, as she shares...
...few of my favorites are Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE), Kids With Food Allergies (KFA), Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), and Allergic Living Magazine. 6. Get Familiar With Your Child’s Prescriptions: Now that you’ve filled your child’s prescriptions, learn how to properly use them and make sure others who care for your child know how to use them as well. Some companies even offer instructional apps for your mobile devices. 7. Get...
...Today I want to share the World Allergy Organization’s (WAO) latest guidelines for cow milk allergy (CMA). WAO is a leading source of allergy information worldwide for medical professionals and consumers. The WAO released the guidelines in April 2010. They are designed for healthcare professtionals, but open to the public, which is great. Feel free to review them by following the link. They may be best to share with your allergist, pediatric gastroenterologist, dietitian,...
01/18/2011” Many parents who eventually learn that their child has a food allergy, which can only be treated by changing the diet, wish their journey to a solution had been shorter and simpler. Here are some tips for what you can do if you feel your doctor isn’t recognizing your little one’s rash as a possible sign of a food allergy. Take Careful Notes A rash is often the first sign of a food allergy...
...serve in school nutrition. I know what it’s like to worry about sending your child with a food allergy to school. My goal is to empower school nutrition professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage food allergies in school kitchens and cafeterias.” Grennan serves on the Food Allergy Management & Education (FAME)national advisory board, where she is honored to share her unique perspective on the management of food allergies in school nutrition....
...some resources and templates you can use to develop a thorough plan for little one. Action Plan Templates: Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) offers a template for an Emergency Care plan that is available in both English and Spanish. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) also has a Emergency Action Plan template available. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) offers a similar asthma and allergy action card. Other Resources:...

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