Your Search for: allergy-education

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...eosinophilic gastroenteritis, eosinophilic colitis, hypereosinophilic syndrome, and other eosinophilic disorders. It is a great resource and provides accurate, up-to-date information on eosinophilic disorders and related problems. Not only does the organization increase awareness and educate patients and physicians, APFED also works to increase funding for research. Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) FARE was established in 1991 to share information vital to raising a child with food allergies. Throughout the year the group holds events...
...In a very recent study looking at the prevalence, diagnosis, and management of food allergies, it found that “t he evidence for the prevalence and management of food allergy is greatly limited by a lack of uniformity for criteria for making a diagnosis.”1 Interestingly, the study also stated that there is not a universally accepted definition of food allergy!1 There are several food allergy tests out there to make a diagnosis of a...
Going to Preschool or Daycare with Food Allergies
...The first day of preschool or daycare is an exciting time for young children. It’s usually also an exciting time for parents, too! Sometimes, introducing little ones with food allergies and related conditions into a new environment can be scary. PREPARE FOR PRESCHOOL OR DAYCARE WITH FOOD ALLERGIES. If this situation is one you will face soon, then it’s crucial to educate your child’s teachers and caregivers about food allergy precautions and safety...
...In food allergy circles, we usually think of symptoms and side effects as results of food allergies, not the other way around. In many cases that’s true. One exceptional pair is food allergies and atopic dermatitis. Science has shown links between these two, especially for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis, and especially in infants and young toddlers. (Atopic dermatitis is a form of eczema.) This article explores the science of which comes first for patients with...
Baby Rashes from A to Z (Acne to Eczema!) and When Is It a Milk Allergy?
...a small or substantial part of the body. Allergens in the air (pollen, mold, dust mites, or animals), dry skin, or any number of factors. The severity of symptoms varies from one person to another. There’s an association between atopic dermatitis and food allergies, especially in cases of severe atopic dermatitis. At this time, it’s not clear if one causes the other. For infants, atopic dermatitis and cow milk allergy often are linked. Learn more...
...No one knows the true “cause of colic.” But many times the baby actually has a milk allergy and that is what is causing her misery. Too often this is overlooked. But when you look at the symptoms you can understand why – many really look like just typical bumps on the road of baby-hood. You can take our milk allergy symptom checker or read about the eight most common symptoms of cow milk allergy....
...sidewalk chalk, books and jewelry. The same switch can be done for the traditional egg hunt. Here are a few additional resources to help plan your allergy-friendly Easter celebration: Tips to Safely Celebrate Easter with Food Allergies by Kids with Food Allergies Alternatives to Traditional Easter Activities by Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) Easter Tips & Recipe Ideas from Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) Be sure to check with your healthcare professional to...
...Education (FARE) List of Summer camp options for Food Allergic, Gluten-Free and Vegan Kids from Go Dairy Free Information from FARE regarding Managing Food Allergies at Camp Video & Resources for Summer Camp with Food Allergies from Kids with Food Allergies Another good resource is the following recording of a webinar featuring Dr. Pistiner and Ms. Polmear-Swendris answering questions about how to choose a camp, what questions to ask of summer camp staff, how to...

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