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...If you have been reading our blog for the past few years, you may know that I not only have been working for Neocate for over 11 years but I’ve also had firsthand experience with cow milk allergy (CMA) and Neocate. My daughter was recommended to take Neocate when she was just seven weeks old for what doctors and I believe was a cow milk allergy. Once we started Neocate, her reflux and colic...
...Patient History Karisse was just a few weeks old when she began suffering from severe acid reflux, diarrhea, skin rash and colic. She was unable to sleep for more than an hour at a time, cried constantly and vomited often. Baby Karisse was in trememdous pain. “It was extremely hard and we couldn’t sleep, eat or take her anywhere,” says Teresa, Karisse’s mother. “We knew something was very wrong.” After countless visits to the...
Cow Milk Allergy Signs and Symptoms in Babies
A child may experience cow milk allergy (CMA) symptoms and signs right away or within the first week of adding cow milk to their diet. It’s common for babies to have several symptoms at once. Also, many symptoms are not unique to cow milk allergy, which can make it hard to identify. Being on the lookout for the signs of cow milk allergy may help it be recognized and managed...
Cow Milk Allergy Diet and Management
There is currently no cure for a cow milk protein allergy (CMPA). As with any food allergy, the surest way to manage CMPA is to avoid cow milk and any foods that contain dairy proteins. For infants, the first choice is to continue feeding breast milk, and if the doctor advises mom will avoid milk and dairy in her diet, under medical supervision. (She may need to supplement her diet with some nutrients...
Multiple Food Allergy Signs & Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of food allergies may be immediate or may take several hours or even several days to appear. They result from the immune system treating the offending foods as dangerous invaders. Food allergies may cause a range of signs and symptoms,...
** THIS BLOG POST HAS BEEN DEPRECATED, NEW CMA BLOG POST IS UP: 8 SIGNS OF CMA** With the rise in food allergies among children, it is increasingly important for parents and caregivers to recognize the signs and symptoms of food allergies. Among foods that are common allergens, cow milk allergy (CMA) remains the most prevalent in infants and children. In the following video, “8 Signs of a Cow Milk Allergy,” our nutrition...
05/26/2011 your system. Note that PRObiotics are different than PREbiotics, which are a type of fiber that feeds the friendly bacteria already living in your GI tract. Probiotics and prebiotics are sometimes used together, a mixture known as “synbiotics”. Scientific research shows that probiotics may help reduce certain diarrheal diseases such as antibiotic-associated diarrhea and acute gastroenteritis (stomach viruses). In addition, probiotics have been found to lower the risk of food allergy and improve colic...
Patient History Jacob was only a month old, when he was hospitalized for vomiting and dehydration. An upper GI exam at the hospital revealed that he had gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and he was discharged with a prescription for Zantac. Despite the new prescription, Jacob continued to cry constantly and had horrible gas. Jacob’s parents barely got any sleep, and with both of them working, they were constantly exhausted and tense. “I hated...

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