Your Search for: colic

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...We would like to thank Karen Wylie for guest blogging for us and sharing her family’s allergy story. People thought “it couldn’t really be that bad.” People thought “he will just grow out of it.” People thought “he really must be sleeping more than she says.” People thought “lots of kids have colic.” But I KNEW. Parents do. Deep down you know when something is just not right. I knew when my breast milk...
...If you’re reading this article, chances are your child has recently had a frightening allergic reaction. Or, after months of colic, acid reflux, eczema, hives or wheezing, your child was finally diagnosed with multiple food allergies. With either of these events, you may not realize it, but you’ve been hit by the allergy avalanche. If you are at all like I was when I when the avalanche got me, you’re wondering how in...
03/11/2012 Colic and Failure to Thrive. One ‘other GI disorder’ that has been getting a bit more notice recently is a condition called Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (or FPIES pronounced ‘F- pies’ for short). FPIES can be a serious condition if not managed properly. Unfortunately, many families still go a long time before they get an FPIES diagnosis. And that’s despite studies that suggest the prevalence of FPIES may be increasing. Also, efforts to help...

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