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We talk to familes who use Neocate all the time, usually when they call us with questions. The most common questions we get come from families who are new to Neocate and starting to use Neocate Syneo Infant or Neocate Infant, the infant formulas of the Neocate family. Remember: Your healthcare team is familiar with your little one’s medical care, so their advice and guidance is more important than what we have to...
Mainstream media often covers the topic of food journaling or keeping a food diary to track what you eat. Usually that’s in the context of dieting, because this strategy can help us be more mindful of the foods we eat and can help in reducing the number of calories consumed. But have you ever thought about the benefits food journals can bring to families managing food allergies? Today we will go over some...
...for the established medical criteria to be met to administer epinephrine. Patients treated in the emergency setting for anaphylaxis or for severe allergic reactions, or those who are at risk of a future event should be provided with a prescription for epinephrine autoinjectors and an action plan for their use before discharge from the hospital. Patients should be referred to an allergist to assist with diagnosis confirmation, trigger identification, and continued outpatient management. Use epinephrine...
...As a parent, it’s hard to hear that your child has been diagnosed with Failure to Thrive, often written as “FTT.” I often talk to parents who are confused by the diagnosis and not sure exactly what it means, so I thought I’d take the time today to answer some basic questions. For those who don’t know, FTT is a medical term and is used to describe poor weight gain over an extended...
8 Common Signs and Symptoms of a Cow Milk Allergy
...chart is a percentile. The dots form a growth curve that shows a pattern of growth relative to the population. A child’s head circumference, weight, and height (length, for infants) generally follow a consistent trend over time. Sometimes though, slow weight gain may lead to a diagnosis of ‘Failure to Thrive’ (FTT), which is one of the symptoms of a cow milk allergy. Slow weight gain is gaining weight more slowly than other children the...
...Okay, I admit it. I don’t always know what to say when I am trying to describe a health condition or diagnosis to someone else. I find this to be true when talking to my patients but even more so when trying to explain my own personal health to my family and friends. Putting aside the emotions that come along with many health situations, I often struggle to find the right words to accurately...
...may be tempted to try out a gluten free diet. However, it is important to ask your doctor for celiac disease testing before going on a gluten free diet. If you have celiac disease the treatment requires strict adherence to a gluten free diet, while those with gluten sensitivity can often have small amounts of gluten on occasion without experiencing negative effects. Therefore, it is important to have a correct diagnosis to ensure that you...
A Mother’s Tale: Learning About My Baby’s Milk Allergy
When my oldest was born, we embarked on the journey of breastfeeding. She took to it naturally, but the first week was painful and discouraging for me as a new mom. However, in time we fell into a comfortable and relaxing routine. At about six weeks of age my daughter began crying a lot. She was fussy, gassy, and unhappy. While I was nursing one morning, she projectile vomited. I called the doctor...

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