Your Search for: diagnosis

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...decreased symptoms, but there were still unexplained flare-ups. Two months post-diagnosis, we were visiting family for the holidays where each day started with a hot breakfast. Paulie’s asthma and eczema flared each morning shortly after we entered the kitchen, but only sometimes during lunch and dinner. Finally the pattern was clear. He was reacting to food proteins in the air! We learned not to cook or reheat anything with eggs or pork around Paulie. Peanuts...
...Many children face a challenge that we adults can’t relate to: the challenge to consume more and to gain weight. In a society filled with weight-loss products and get-skinny-quick advertisements, we may joke that we “wish we had that problem,” but it can actually be a serious issue that is quite concerning for physicians and parents. Roughly 5-10 percent of US children are diagnosed with failure to thrive (FTT) at some point. This diagnosis...
You have always enjoyed breast feeding your little one. What could be better than some quiet time bonding with a snuggly bundle of love as many as 8 times a day? What a bonus that it’s the best source of nutrition for your little one. Recently though, it seems that the thought of weaning has crossed your mind once or twice. Maybe you’re going back to work and the long commute, crazy schedule...
...or general pediatrician if your little one has been diagnosed with or is thought to have CMA. Keep in mind it is a large document (~100 pages…whoa!).It really does a great job at providing recommendations on the proper diagnostic tools needed for an accurate CMA diagnosis (as 50 – 90% of food allergy diagnoses are not actually food allergies). The WAO also provides information on amino acid-based formulas (AAFs), such as Neocate, and where the...
Is your little one about to turn one? Wondering if you should keep the same formula or if it’s time to switch to a different one? Curious if it’s time to transition from Neocate® Infant to Neocate® Syneo® Junior, Neocate® Junior and/or Neocate® Splash? If you’ve been an avid reader of our blog, you might have a hunch of what we’re about to say. The answer isn’t simple and isn’t the same for...
08/24/2011 a risk factor for nutritional rickets. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2004;15:566-569. 5. Fiocchi A et al. Diagnosis and Rationale for Action Against Cow’s Milk Allergy (DRACMA): a summary report. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010;126(6):1119-28. 6. de Boissieu D et al. Allergy to extensively hydrolyzed cow’s milk proteins in infants; safety and duration of amino acid based formula. J Pediatr. 2002;141(2):271-273. 7. Latcham F et al. A consistent pattern of minor immunodeficiency and subtle enteropathy in...
03/11/2012 Colic and Failure to Thrive. One ‘other GI disorder’ that has been getting a bit more notice recently is a condition called Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (or FPIES pronounced ‘F- pies’ for short). FPIES can be a serious condition if not managed properly. Unfortunately, many families still go a long time before they get an FPIES diagnosis. And that’s despite studies that suggest the prevalence of FPIES may be increasing. Also, efforts to help...
...One of the things we’ve learned at Neocate is that many families usually go through a long and daunting process before discovering their fussy and inconsolable little one has a cow milk allergy (CMA). The road to an official diagnosis can stir feelings of confusion. To help educate more parents and caregivers on the symptoms of CMA, Nutricia North America is unrolling our new Could it Be A Milk Allergy infographic. Could it Be...

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