Your Search for: rash

39 Result(s)

...Here at Neocate, we often talk with concerned parents who tell us they’ve read other stories from parents whose children had a terrible rash that was only helped by Neocate after lots of trial and error. Frequently, these parents tell us they don’t feel their doctor is familiar with food allergies. Just yesterday a father told me that his pediatrician kept telling him that “every baby gets rashes, it’s normal; he’ll grow out of...
Baby Rashes from A to Z (Acne to Eczema!) and When Is It a Milk Allergy?
...a cause, you’ll need to keep your little one from coming into contact with the food and cosmetics with ingredients from that food. Symptoms and treatments of contact dermatitis. Diaper Rash as well as baby rashes? Diaper rash happens when an outbreak occurs on parts of the skin in contact with diapers. Some causes include having wet diapers on for too long when the infant has diarrhea, or diapers are too tight. The introduction of...
...Ken began to develop an itchy, red rash on his face when he was just two months old. The condition had worsened by the time he was four months old. Poor baby Ken was miserable, always crying and rubbing and scratching his face. Since Ken’s parents had actually been through this before with their older son R.J., this time they knew just what to do. “Since his older brother R.J. had the same problem...
...Patient History At two and a half months old, R.J. was experiencing a painful, itchy, red rash on his cheeks that quickly spread to his chin, ears and neck. By the time he was four months old, the condition worsened, spreading to his scalp, back, stomach, legs and diaper areas. Baby R.J. was miserable. The rash was so itchy and irritating that he was constantly scratching his face and rubbing it against anything he...
...Patient History: Joseph was only two months old when his parents noticed a small patch of dermatitis on his arm. Over the next two months, the condition worsened and by the time Joseph was four months old, he was covered from head to toe in a severe rash. Joseph was diagnosed with severe atopic dermatitis. He was constantly scratching himself – including while he was sleeping – and often started bleeding from the cracks...
...Patient History: Liza and Scott were extremely worried when Luke, their three week-old son, developed a rash on is face and started experiencing severe diarrhea and bloody stool. “It was terrible seeing Luke so sick and in such pain. We knew he wasn’t gaining enough weight in those first weeks,” says Liza. “We look back on those days and wonder how we got through it.” Nutritional Management and Outcome: When Liza and Scott first...
Neocate<sup>®</sup> Syneo<sup>®</sup> Was a Game Changer for Reagan  – A Parent’s Perspective
...My son Reagan is 9 months old. He is currently using Neocate® Syneo® and is doing great on it. Reagan was born at 37 weeks 2 days and a healthy 7 lbs 1.9 oz and 19 inches. He immediately was having signs of reflux, colic and couldn’t poop. On his first day home from the hospital he started having a severe diaper rash and blood in the stool. I immediately called his pediatrician to...
8 Common Signs and Symptoms of a Cow Milk Allergy
...Gassiness Gas happens when there is excess air in the stomach or intestines. This can result in discomfort, burping, or passing gas. Discomfort can cause an infant to be “fussy”, “cranky”, or “colicky.” All babies have gas, but when it occurs with several other signs, it signals a possible allergy to cow milk. Skin: Unexplained Rash There are many causes for skin rashes, like atopic dermatitis (eczema) or hives (urticaria). CMA is a possible cause,...

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