Your Search for: rash

39 Result(s)

...You might have heard that eczema can be a sign of a food allergy or sensitivity in infants. But before we review potential links between food allergies and eczema, let’s go over some basics. What is eczema? It is most often characterized by dry, red, extremely itchy patches on the skin. Eczema is sometimes referred to as “the itch that rashes,” since the itch, when scratched, results in the appearance of the rash. Who...
...Patient History: Immediately following his birth, Blaise suffered from a severe skin rash that developed once his mother began feeding him regular formula. Unable to tolerate the formula, Blaise experienced persistent vomiting and diarrhea, accompanied with sleepless nights. Blaise’s symptoms caused him to consistently be fussy and lethargic despite his mother’s countless attempts to console him. “The longer we fed him the formula, the worse his rash, vomiting and diarrhea got,” says Danielle, Blaise’s...
...Patient History: As a newborn boy Benjamin weighed a healthy 6 lbs. 3 oz. but within days of his birth, he began to lose weight and break out in a rash all over his body. He was terribly unhappy and inconsolable. While Benjamin struggled to gain weight, he began to vomit every time he ate and often had diarrhea. At two and half weeks old, Benjamin’s parents took him to the emergency room where...
...Patient History: Riley was only a few days old when he started experiencing severe diarrhea and spitting up. His parents Michele and John switched him almost immediately from Good Start to soy formula since they had experienced similar symptoms with their two older daughters who had done well on the soy. Unfortunately Riley’s symptoms persisted and he developed a rash on his face. Doctors diagnosed him with reflux and “normal” infant facial rash. “My...
...Patient History: From the time he was only a few days old, Levi was a fussy baby. Soon he began crying even more, vomiting, gagging, choking and wheezing. He had difficulty sleeping and he could only rest if he was propped up on his mother Laurie. His skin changed color, becoming very red. He developed a rash all over his face and neck that left his skin extremely dry, especially around his ears. “Having...
...Patient History Karisse was just a few weeks old when she began suffering from severe acid reflux, diarrhea, skin rash and colic. She was unable to sleep for more than an hour at a time, cried constantly and vomited often. Baby Karisse was in trememdous pain. “It was extremely hard and we couldn’t sleep, eat or take her anywhere,” says Teresa, Karisse’s mother. “We knew something was very wrong.” After countless visits to the...
...If you are using Neocate with your little one, you may be familiar with eczema, an uncomfortably itchy rash often associated with food allergies. Fortunately, when eczema is related to a food allergy, transitioning to Neocate helps address part of the problem by providing a hypoallergenic source of nutrition. However, for some children it can still take some time after starting Neocate for eczema to completely resolve and in the interim you may have...
...fits.” Summary: It took three long months of going from doctor to doctor and trying several different treatments before Sawyer received the correct diagnosis of a protein enteropathy. Thanks to Neocate, Sawyer’s rash has gone away and she is no longer constipated and cranky. Sawyer is now a happy and relieved baby girl. “Neocate is a miracle for us! We have complete peace of mind now, and our precious girl is so happy!” said Staci....

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