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...Allergies is a go-to resource as well. They offer daily assistance and practical food allergy management help and have a large online peer support group focused solely on children’s food allergies. Registration is free and a good place for giving and getting help with food ideas, recipes and cooking challenges! While there are lots of questions we don’t have the answers to yet, we’re learning more about FPIES every day. What else can we tell...
08/07/2014 and shopping. This blog post is intended to present some tried and true resources that I often share with families. I encourage you all, as readers and family members of children with food allergies, to share your own tried and true resources in the comments section. It’s important for us to share information and help each other stay informed. For all things allergy-related, the Food Allergy Research and Education organization (FARE) website is chock...
​Fruit Delight
Whether you are introducing your baby to solid food or are just looking for a refreshing summer treat, the following recipe is perfect for a hot day. This recipe is especially refreshing if you cool it in the refrigerator before serving. In the following recipe, either Neocate® Syneo® Infant or Neocate® Infant DHA/ARA can be used. For nutritional information when using Neocate Syneo Infant, please see ‘Nutritional Information’ section below. For nutritional information...
08/13/2015 containing a list of food allergens that can be found in unexpected places such as food used in science or math lesson plans, crafts, and cooking classes. Alternatives and precautions are suggested. Take note that ingredients may change so it is best to contact and verify these with the manufacturers. What tips do you have for other families managing food allergies as they prepare to head back to school? -Jody L. Benitz, MS, RDN...
Butternut Squash Soup
This is a great Neocate® Nutra recipe to try when the weather starts to cool off. Butternut squash is delicious, and can be found at your local farmers market or grocery...
Nutra Mashed Potatoes
Need an allergy-friendly, top 8-allergens-free side dish idea? Make this mashed potato recipe using Neocate® Nutra. When making this recipe, you can adjust the amount of chicken broth used to achieve your desired mashed consistency. You can also substitute another broth based on allergies or preference. You can even use this recipe and customize it for the holidays. For example, adopt it for St. Patrick’s Day by adding green food coloring. Just be...
...were unable to continue to breastfeed your infant for one reason or another. Great job! To those of you who use Neocate to ensure your child grows and develops. You must take the same steps for safety you take when cooking for your family when preparing formula. These steps are especially true when your baby has digestive conditions, is not gaining weight as expected, or struggling with an illness. Tip #2, for families, Using Neocate:...
As we’ve mentioned before, mixing food allergies and birthday parties requires a bit of effort. This includes both hosting a birthday party (with guests with food allergies) and sending your food-allergic child to a birthday party. We wanted to round up a few recipes that could provide a potential solution. It would also be great to have an allergen-free dessert, whether you’re hosting the party or sending your little one to a party....

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