Your Search for: diarrhea

59 Result(s)

...Patient History: From the night she was born, Natalie suffered from painful diarrhea, gas and projectile vomiting. Her mother Jill stayed up night after night with her miserable, crying baby. “We tried everything from the advice of our pediatrician but nothing seemed to work,” said Natalie’s mother Jill. The condition affected the entire family. Natalie couldn’t focus on play time because she hurt so much. And the constant crying upset Jill’s two older girls....
...Patient History: Liza and Scott were extremely worried when Luke, their three week-old son, developed a rash on is face and started experiencing severe diarrhea and bloody stool. “It was terrible seeing Luke so sick and in such pain. We knew he wasn’t gaining enough weight in those first weeks,” says Liza. “We look back on those days and wonder how we got through it.” Nutritional Management and Outcome: When Liza and Scott first... pumped breastmilk. Within just a few days, he began showing signs of dairy protein intolerance, including excess fussiness and gassiness just after eating, arching, vomiting, mucus in his stools and diarrhea. His mom eliminated dairy from her diet and that seemed to improve his condition some and he started gaining a little weight. After a couple weeks, Roland was weaned from the tube and sent home. Unfortunately, once at home, his symptoms continued to...
...When Zoe was just a week old she began extreme vomiting, and started having bloody diarrhea, gas pains and eczema. She was dehydrated, refused to eat and suffering from severe weight loss. “She was so sick we thought we were going to lose her at any moment,” says Amanda, Zoe’s mom. When Zoe was 3 weeks old, she was rushed to the emergency room for severe dehydration. From there she was admitted to the...
...(For FPIES purposes, infant formulas count as solid foods.) Although the most common FPIES triggers are cow milk (dairy) and soy, other solid foods can cause an FPIES reaction, even uncommon food allergens, such as rice, oat and barley. The hallmark sign of a reaction is profuse vomiting about 2 hours after consuming a trigger food, and sometimes diarrhea about 5 hours after consuming the food. Upon removing the problem or trigger food(s), all FPIES...
FPIES: Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome
...Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome typically affects infants and young children. It is also called FPIES – pronounced like the letter “F” followed by the word “pies.” FPIES is a rare type of food allergy that affects the digestive tract. Symptoms show up a few hours after eating. The hallmark symptom is severe vomiting. There can also be diarrhea, lethargy, dehydration, low blood pressure, and low body temperature. Milk, soy, rice, and oats are some...
FPIES Symptoms & Signs
Most of the time we think of food allergies as causing reactions right away. However, FPIES related allergic reactions to food usually begin 1-4 hours after the trigger food has been eaten. FPIES symptoms are not what you’d typically associate with a food allergy (hives or other rashes, itchy or swollen mouth, trouble breathing, anaphylaxis). Rather, they are related to the digestive...
Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES)
...Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome typically affects infants and young children. It is also called FPIES – pronounced like the letter “F” followed by the word “pies.” FPIES is a rare type of food allergy that affects the digestive tract. Symptoms show up a few hours after eating. The hallmark symptom is severe vomiting. There can also be diarrhea, lethargy, dehydration, low blood pressure, and low body temperature. Milk, soy, rice, and oats are some...

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