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...Patient History: As a newborn boy Benjamin weighed a healthy 6 lbs. 3 oz. but within days of his birth, he began to lose weight and break out in a rash all over his body. He was terribly unhappy and inconsolable. While Benjamin struggled to gain weight, he began to vomit every time he ate and often had diarrhea. At two and half weeks old, Benjamin’s parents took him to the emergency room where...
...Patient History Karisse was just a few weeks old when she began suffering from severe acid reflux, diarrhea, skin rash and colic. She was unable to sleep for more than an hour at a time, cried constantly and vomited often. Baby Karisse was in trememdous pain. “It was extremely hard and we couldn’t sleep, eat or take her anywhere,” says Teresa, Karisse’s mother. “We knew something was very wrong.” After countless visits to the...
Front Page
Cow Milk Allergy Signs and Symptoms in Babies
A child may experience cow milk allergy (CMA) symptoms and signs right away or within the first week of adding cow milk to their diet. It’s common for babies to have several symptoms at once. Also, many symptoms are not unique to cow milk allergy, which can make it hard to identify. Being on the lookout for the signs of cow milk allergy may help it be recognized and managed...
Cow Milk Allergy Diet and Management
There is currently no cure for a cow milk protein allergy (CMPA). As with any food allergy, the surest way to manage CMPA is to avoid cow milk and any foods that contain dairy proteins. For infants, the first choice is to continue feeding breast milk, and if the doctor advises mom will avoid milk and dairy in her diet, under medical supervision. (She may need to supplement her diet with some nutrients...
​Food Allergy Conditions & Symptoms
If your child has symptoms after eating certain foods, he or she may have a food allergy. But, what is a food allergy and what are the most common...
Multiple Food Allergy Signs & Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of food allergies may be immediate or may take several hours or even several days to appear. They result from the immune system treating the offending foods as dangerous invaders. Food allergies may cause a range of signs and symptoms,...
Cow Milk Allergy in Babies
Cow milk, a childhood staple and a key source of vital nutrients, is also the most common food allergen in early life. Like many allergic disorders, researchers and doctors aren’t sure of the exact cause of cow milk allergy or why some infants develop a milk allergy while others do not. Researchers are working to better understand factors that may contribute to cow milk allergy. Cow milk protein allergy is sometimes referred to...

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