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...what your child needs Before exploring the options, make sure to check with your child’s healthcare team to be sure that additional fiber is needed. As we’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, fiber can help to improve gut health. For many folks, adding fiber can mean being more “regular,” which would be a decrease in constipation, diarrhea, or both. Your child’s healthcare team will consider the symptoms your child has, his or her medical condition,...
...a trace amount of that food) is consumed, the body mounts an immune response. In this way, food allergies can be similar to seasonal allergies. Most of the food allergy symptoms fall “below the neck” because the body responds to the part of the body where the food is: the gut. In older children and adults these symptoms include bloating, diarrhea, and an itchy sensation in the mouth, among others. The symptoms are different for...
Patient History: The first eight months of Sean’s life were grueling. He experienced the discomfort and pain of vomiting up to three times a day, unable to tolerate his formula. Six months of very little weight gain left Sean feeling weak, while his gastroesophageal reflux condition fueled his asthma symptoms. At nine months old Sean was diagnosed with failure to thrive; a description given to children whose current weight or rate of weight...
01/31/2008 allergy to soy, remove all soy from his/her diet immediately. A few symptoms of soy allergy are: Acne Asthma Diarrhea Eczema Fever Itching Lethargy Hives Vomiting Wheezing So, if you’re changing your child’s formula because he/she has a milk allergy, the recommended options are formulas whose protein comes from extensively hydrolyzed milk protein or from amino acids. Amino acid-based formulas have been clinically shown to relieve the symptoms of a milk allergy. As always,...
Israel’s Multiple Food Allergies Journey to Diagnosis
...him back saying he was kicked out of the nursery, because he cried too much. Our first night home was spent nervously watching our baby boy projectile vomit, scream and cry. For months Israel would scream and cry and vomit for hours on end. In fact he would cry so hard he would lose his voice. He took only small naps, the most being 45 minutes. He would have diarrhea so badly that he would...
...More on that below. Unlike most food allergies, FPIES reactions usually begin several hours after ingestion of the causative food. Often vomiting occurs 2 hours after eating a trigger food. For some people with FPIES diarrhea will follow around 5 hours after eating. Some children experience relatively mild symptoms, while others, about 20%, will have extreme reactions and may become seriously dehydrated and go into shock and need to go to the emergency department for...
...ruled out other causes, and explain the list of changes you tried that did not help. Inform the doctor that food allergy is common among infants, and explain the other symptoms your child is experiencing which could be related to food allergy. Skin creams are commonly prescribed for rashes. While these creams may help to reduce inflammation and itching caused by a food allergy, they will not help other allergy symptoms such as diarrhea, gastroesophageal...
...the skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal system to react. Signs/Symptoms: Tingling or itching in the mouth Hives, itching or eczema Swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat, or other parts of the body Wheezing, nasal congestion or trouble breathing Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting Dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting Management: While there is no cure for food allergies, strict avoidance and early recognition of food allergens are essential to preventing food reactions. If that is...

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