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...Crohn’s Disease (CD) is a type inflammatory bowel disease. It may occur in any part of the GI tract but usually it affects the small intestine and/or the colon. Individuals with CD have periods of improvements and periods of “flare ups” when symptoms present. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, fatigue, weight loss and in children, growth delay, etc. CD is thought to be caused by an abnormal immune system. One...
...and possibly oats. It is also in many other foods consumed daily, such as cereal, breads and pasta. Depending on the severity of the intolerance to gluten, different side effects may occur. They may be limited to GI discomfort, such as diarrhea, gas and bloating. A more severe intolerance would be classified as celiac disease (CD), a lifelong digestive disorder that causes damage to the small intestine and prevents absorption. Gluten-Free Diets If you or...
** THIS BLOG POST HAS BEEN DEPRECATED, NEW CMA BLOG POST IS UP: 8 SIGNS OF CMA** With the rise in food allergies among children, it is increasingly important for parents and caregivers to recognize the signs and symptoms of food allergies. Among foods that are common allergens, cow milk allergy (CMA) remains the most prevalent in infants and children. In the following video, “8 Signs of a Cow Milk Allergy,” our nutrition...
...While we usually write about common food allergy symptoms, such as diarrhea or eczema, more severe reactions like anaphylaxis are possible for many children and adults with allergies. Allergens that cause anaphylaxis include food, insect stings, drugs, latex, and even exercise. When anaphylaxis happens as a result of contact with an allergen, a rapid immune reaction occurs that can quickly make breathing very difficult. For those patients an immediate injection of epinephrine can prevent...
05/26/2011 your system. Note that PRObiotics are different than PREbiotics, which are a type of fiber that feeds the friendly bacteria already living in your GI tract. Probiotics and prebiotics are sometimes used together, a mixture known as “synbiotics”. Scientific research shows that probiotics may help reduce certain diarrheal diseases such as antibiotic-associated diarrhea and acute gastroenteritis (stomach viruses). In addition, probiotics have been found to lower the risk of food allergy and improve colic...
...both types of formulas fit the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) criteria that an infant formula must meet to be labeled hypoallergenic. In general, studies show that amino acid-based formulas are tolerated by almost all severely food-allergic babies. Although many food allergy babies tolerate hydrolyzed formulas, there is a subset that do not – often having symptoms like severe diarrhea, vomiting, rashes and failure to thrive. If you’re concerned that your little one isn’t tolerating...
Back to School With Food Allergies
Summer is winding down, and it’s time to start helping your children prepare for their return to class and food allergy. Your school might have sent school supply lists, teacher assignments, and schedule for school nights. Now, it’s time to create your own food allergy checklist. Whether your child is returning to the classroom or attending for the first time, here are some things to help make sure they have a successful,...
We’ve talked about Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) in previous posts. Our last post on SBS talked about how the small intestine is the absorption hub on the GI tract. When part of the small intestine is removed, you lose that important area for water and nutrient absorption and your body is no longer able to utilize the food and liquid that you consume. For this reason, total parental nutrition (TPN) may be necessary...

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